Ms Gee Bee!!

To be a part of 'Ms Gee Bee corner', all you need to do is suggest a title for the poem below and you could stand a chance of winning a gift. Leave a comment with your suggested title between June 25th and August 3rd, 2010 (and an email address so you can be contacted) The winner would be picked at random and announced on the 4th August, 2010.

''Welcome to my blog ~ Just Be with Gee Bee ONE''

Often times,
we wrong others, and
think very little of it.

And truly,
It’s hardly ever
meant to be.

But in the rush
to grasp life, we
choke on the fume

and some wrongs
are done, which
never should have been.

The bitterness in the
hearts of many, really
could have been void

but for the mad rush
to grasp a hold on life,
which is nothing but fumes.

© Gee Aug 2001

OK, let me finish up with a code of life from Don Miguel Ruiz's book, ''The Four Agreements''. It keeps me going when I feel let down or hurt. and I hope it does same for you too.

Don Miguel Ruiz Agreement 2 -
''Don’t take anything personal- Nothing others do is because of you. What they say or do is a projection of their own reality or dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be a victim of needless suffering.

Gee Bee