Sunday, January 23, 2011


Tis your grace
that has brought me
thus far.

I am grateful for life.
For every breath
that I breathe.
It’s the reason
this note exists.

I am grateful,
for in your presence
I find strength
and your words
guide my deeds.

I am thankful
for the gift of life,
the ones you formed
in my womb, and the joy
that they bring.

I am thankful
for the eyes
that look up to me
and the hearts
that adore me.

I am thankful
for the one whom
my soul adores,
the one who makes
my world go round.

I am thankful
for the gift of family,
every one of them.
Though I had no choice,
I’m glad cause You picked

the very best for me.
A loving father, A doting mother
Two wonderful sisters
Two great brothers
and splendid relatives.

I am thankful
for the hands
that nurtured me,
the hearts that have loved me
and ever will.

I am thankful
for friends
and foes alike
they are always
a blessing in disguise

the friends,
who have become
family, those whose
footprints could never
be forgotten

I am thankful
for every person
that has walked into my life,
either for a reason
or a season.

For the values,
fate and fortune
they brought,
or took away.

I am thankful
for everything
that I am,and all that
you’ve made me.
For the favours

yet undeserved.
For the blessings
larger than I.
For the grace
that makes distinct.

my years are few;
the things
you’ve done
are numerous.

So Thankful
For my life
And all that
makes it beautiful.

Thank you Lord
for everything!!!

Happy Birthday to me!!

© Gbeminiyi Alli 23rd Jan 2011