Saturday, May 15, 2010

Trapped Tap

On my mind, 
are words lighter
than a feather
yet heavier
than stone.

in the corners
of my mind
are issues of life
troubling my heart.

And like a tap
that has lost its control
they flow into my head
gushing in great volume
noon, morning and night

waiting impatiently
for the vessel that’s empty
and needs to be filled.
But alas, all the vessels I find
are either filled to the brim,

or perhaps broken,
with an invisible hole
and ready to leak,
almost as soon as
it’s filled.

Where do I go,
to find that
well-built vessel,
durable yet warm,
and made just for me

cause nothing seems
to guarantee me,
a trusted vessel that
will hold and guard
these contents diligently.

Perhaps, to my saviour
I should run.
Though not seen,
yet so true. Oh! Yes,
to my saviour I would go.

© Gbeminiyi Alli 2009

Friday, May 14, 2010

THE BUS OF FORTUNE, on my way to destiny

(I love this piece cause of the nature with which the inspiration came to me. It was written on the bus on my way home one afternoon in May 2008 and it was based on my personal experience while waiting for that particular bus. I wrote it not because of the experience itself but I realised how true and similar that experience is to our day to day life and choices.....Happy reading!!!)

I had a destination but.....

Lost in the midst of all,
following the crowd
seemed like the best to do.

Every bus that appeared,
seemed like the right one
but our destinations were not same,
and each time, as others went in,
I went back to the shed
disappointed yet hopeful.

As I constantly anticipated its arrival,
I stretched very impatiently,
hoping to see beyond my eye level.

And after what seemed like forever
it appeared, not the last but at last
in the midst of a few others,
hidden slightly behind a bigger one
and oh! how I nearly missed it,
As my picture of it, was what it was not.

I sprang up hastily
and flew to the top of the queue,
at the very mouth of its door.

Certain that this was it,
the bus to my destination
I hopped on very swiftly, so grateful
I hadn’t gone on the wrong bus
with all the ills and frustrations
that could have come to be.

© Gbeminiyi Alli 2008

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Mind

Dedicated to God Almighty the El Roi
(El Roi meaning the God who sees me)

Stronger than the concrete bricks,
thicker than the deepest seas,
It takes in all it can,
yet gives out only what it likes.

Trying hard not to blink,
so as not to miss a thing.
the secrets the mind can hide,
only the walls of the eyes can tell.

The wonders the eyes see,
The talks the ears hear,
and all the senses sense
build up so thick in the mind.

Ten thousands of miles,
along the rivers of lives.
The hills of fate and
the ills of choice.

The shells of the moments and
the pearly gates of time, run
endlessly to the depths of the heart
so near but yet very far.

© Gbeminiyi Alli 2008

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Oh! I hear the voice of a poet
in a silent untold world
fresh and crisp
like spring onion leaves.
Sleek and sweet
in the ears of knowledge.

Oh! I hear the voice of a poet
echoing so loud
in the thickest woods
longing to be heard
both far and near
but none around could raise the flag

Oh! I hear the voice of a poet
and so I rise up high on my feet
trying so hard
to catch my thoughts
lest I spill out
deep silent words.

Oh! I hear the voice of a poet
so passionate, so very strong
hence I tap the cores of my ears
that they may both gladly hear
the ever airy voice of the poet
a seasoned language of the wise.

© Gbeminiyi Alli 8th Feb 2009

Thursday, May 6, 2010



I would love to welcome you to my blog with a poem and a prize to. To launch my blog (sooooo 18th!), I have decided to start of with a ''GeeBee poetry page'', and will be giving away some gifts during the summer. A poem will be posted each month and to be a part of this, all you need to do, is suggest a suitable title for the given poem and at the end of each month, a title will be picked at random.

For the month of June, the giveaway gift is Barack Obama's book - 'Dreams from My Father'. (wow, nearly can't wait to send it off to the lucky winner..) Let the work begin.... Leave a comment, with what you think would be a good title for the poem below on or before the 30th, June 2010 and a winner would be announced on the 4th July, 2010. (Details for the other entries will be pasted on my ''Gee Bee poetry page'' subsequently).

so let's get started.....

''Welcome to my blog ONE''
Often times,
we wrong others, and
think very little of it.

And truly,
It’s hardly ever
meant to be.

But in the rush
to grasp life, we
choke on the fume

and some wrongs
are done, which
never should have been.

The bitterness in the
hearts of many, really
could have been void

but for the mad rush
to grasp a hold on life,
which is nothing but fumes.

© Gbeminiyi Alli Aug 2001

I would like to finish up with one of the codes of life from Don Miguel Ruiz's book, ''The Four Agreements''. It keeps me going when I feel let down or hurt. and I hope it does same for you.

Don Miguel Ruiz Agreement 2 -
''Don’t take anything personal- Nothing others do is because of you. What they say or do is a projection of their own reality or dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be a victim of needless suffering.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Gee Bee