Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Four Lettered Word - Life

At this point of my life,
A lot is happening
around and within me
and it’s so hard to settle
into the 'adult' world
and even so, more difficult, 
to stop revisiting the memories 
of all the days and years gone by,
when the word LIFE
had no strings attached.

But with news such as that of KKs
and even that young lady, 
who lost the battle to cancer
some weeks ago;
I begin to question a lot of things,
wanting to know the whys
and undo the knots of the why nots.

Why do we get so blinded,
by our own webs of life
and not able to nurture friendships,
relationships and all
the way we should or would love to?
But then, once they are gone,
like vapour in the air,
to that faraway land of no return
we cry and mourn,
till our hearts are weak.

Why is it so hard to keep peace
still in our hearts
and even in the world?
Why can’t we tread the grounds,
without fear or apprehension?

All that and even a lot more
is why life to me, is no longer,
simply a four lettered word.
But a strong word with depth
which sends some of us
nodding and travelling miles
in the distance of an instance.

Gbeminiyi Alli 7th April 2009